July 26, 2002
The Balboa Saloon Building was officially recognized by the Newport Beach Historical Society as a historic site.
At the event were, Mark Bollas, Jan Wilson, Bryce Wilson, Curt and Virginia Herberts, and Dan Trimble from the City of Newport Beach.

Selecting the right spot and preparing to hang the beautiful bronze plaque.

The bronze plaque is hung! Pictured below are Curt and Virginia Herberts, the owners of the building. Also pictured is Mark Bollas, co-owner of the Balboa Saloon, Jani Wilson and Bryce Wilson. Not pictured is Butch Wilson, co-owner of the Balboa Saloon.

The plaque briefly explains the history of building beginning in 1924. The plaque also displays a recent picture of the building as painted by local artist Scott Kennedy.

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